
Antique Working 1860’s SETH THOMAS CLOCK CO. OGEE OG Weight Driven Mantel Clock
Here is a recent estate find. This is a Rare Antique Working 1860’s Early American Weight Driven Ogee Mantel Shelf Clock, made by the Seth Thomas Clock Plymouth Conn. This has a Victorian Mahogany Veneer Wooden Case with Mirror Glass Lower Tablet. This Has a Painted Painted Metal Dial with Roman Numerals and Decorative Floral Designs! 25 3/4″ Tall x 15 1/4″ Wide x 3 3/4 Deep. The Clock has a Signed “Seth Thomas Plymouth Conn” Brass Mechanical Time and Strike Weight Driven Movement with Cathedral Coil Spring Gong Chime, which Strikes the Correct Amount of Times On The Hour. This Has 2 Winding Arbors and Includes Both Weights, Brass […]