
1891 Antiques Us Made Seth Thmas Mantel Clock, Runnng
THIS IS A VERY OLD ANTIQUES US MADE SETH THMAS MANTEL CLOCK , ITS CLOCK IS INSTALLED IN A MAHOGANY FRAME WITH CARVED FLOWERS, ALTHOUGH DUE TO THE LONG TIME, THERE ARE SME CHARACHERS ON THE DIAL, BUT THE CLOCK IS STILL WORKING WELL, AN EXPERT TOLD ME. Clock was built in 1891, per the markings on back panel. Seth Thomas dating was done by reverse-printing the year, followed by one letter “character” which denoted the month, e. A’=January,’B’= February, etc. Can’t make out the month notation on yours for certain but looks like it may have been a backwards’C’, but the year is definitely 1891. The model name was […]