Seth Thomas Brass Ships Clock with Walnut Stand
Clock is in good running order. Seth Thomas Corsair model. 8 day wind up Hermle German brass movement. 5 1/4 clock face including brass bezel. Heavy, 4 1/2 pound machined brass case. Front clock bezel with glass face “screw on” type. Solid walnut custom clock base, Chelsea clock style. To 12:00 a. Mid-Watch (also Black Watch). To 4:00 a. To 8:00 a. To 12:00 p. To 4:00 p. To 8:00 p. To rotate each division’s watch times, the Evening Watch is periodically divided into two watches. These are called Dog Watches because they “dog” the watch schedule for all divisions ahead by one watch period. A single bell denoted the […]