Antique Original Kelvin White Co/Seth Thomas Ships Bell Clock -Runs Fine

This is one of my favorite type clocks being a Navy veteran and Seth Thomas(w Ansonia) being one of my favorite clock makers. It is from and very good collection and I have more to list but we will start with this and another striker. Strike works and sounds wonderful those that might not be familiar with Navy watches cycle every 4 hours w 1-8 strikes on every half hour. These are nice and I’m not going to sell all of them because in my travels they always go high and I’ve been outbid a lot and a couple are staying in my gallery. I did well to get these 10 together. Everything goes insured just in case and my items are returnable. Please respect that and it does take a bit of time, I’ve been dealing clocks for over 30 years now, but boxes do occasionally get mishandled. Preparing/checking takes time if you want start to tracking package the afternoon you order maybe think about it. Thanks for taking a look!!