
Seth Thomas Brass Ship’s Bell Maritime Clock CAT 1004, Corsair-W, E537-000
This is an 8-day clock and should be wound (both holes) once a week. It strikes “dog watches” or naval time. The clock will strike even numbers on the hour and odd on the half. The hours are 2,4,6,8 and the half hours 1, 3, 5, 7. 12:00 8 bells. 12:30 1 bell. 1:00 2 bells. 1:30 3 bells. 2:00 4 bells. 2:30 5 bells. 3:00 6 bells. 3:30 7 bells. 4:00 8 bells. The back of the clock still has the original label marked. CAT:1004 Name: CORSAIR-W MODEL: E537-000 SETH THOMAS Div. Of General Time Corp. A TALLEY INDUSTRIES CO. The back is also engraved with. The bottom of […]